Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Gallery Reception

The reception at the Greenfield art gallery was a blast. The event took place at Greenfield community college, and numerous artists had work on display. There was also a table were artists were selling their cards, mini-comics, and other works. It was great to connect with so many other artists who did such a variety of work - to think that without events like these, we could all be passing each other on a street corner without even making eye contact, completely clueless about the "common ground" we all shared. For those interested, the "Account of Events" gallery is up until the end of May and there is a great variety of work up there. Works displayed include some great water-color pieces, a MAD magazine original of Warner Brothers characters, a couple reverse glass paintings, a few political cartoons, an original comic from Nickelodeon magazine, and a variety of other comics that showcased humor and great storytelling. Perhaps the most traumatic painting was one of Mickey Mouse being devoured by a dog...not sure how I would have explained that to my 3-year-old had he been there. A thought provoking piece of work nonetheless.

Preparing comics for the gallery was a shift in thinking for me, as I have mainly been preparing them for print publication. Although I used originals from the book series for this one, the reception gave me some ideas for producing a few Birdley pieces that would be specifically geared for gallery openings. But those ideas will have to go in a sketchbook for now as I return to preparing the earth science books for publication. Overall a great event and a nice opportunity to share ideas within a community of artists.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.