Friday, April 17, 2009

An astounding school visit

Before I go on about Bangalore, I wanted to offer a quick flash back to a school visit I had on Thursday in Bhopal before my evening flight. Below are some pictures of this amazing place:

This is a mask I made with a group of kids in an art class. Bulbul, the girl who helped me on it, was an expert with this. She must have been no older than 7 or 8 but demonstrated considerable expertise.

One of the students nn the mask making class. He's probably thinking "Who in goodness are you and why are you taking my picture."

Let us not ignore the elephant in the room.

One of the thrills I saw was sequential art -- murals on the walls that depicted stories in comic form. For me this was the holy grail. This particular mural depicts the story of the tortoise and the hare.

Pictured above is a close-up of one of the panels.

This was another mural that depicts a story. Whenever I see one of these, it has been a good day.

This is a sample of student artwork made from leaves that have been cut and pasted on paper. The girl who did this has never seen a giraffe in "real life" but got the idea from watching National Geographic.

Additional student work from the leaf project is pictured here.

Beautiful full-color laminated worksheets that the teacher uses either for stations or for writing up lessons on the board.

This teacher was giving an impressive leson on how to make spray cans out of glasses filled with water and straws.

These are crates of very nice handheld manipulatives that are used in the lessons.

Students sitting in circular formation - very common in many of these classes.

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